Sonali Patel
Montreal QC
I got diagnosed with AML in 2009. Being in that environment for three years of her life, and then suddenly without any safety next, thrown back to the “reality” I had to go back to high school in the crucial years, grade 11. During my treatments I had a 24/7 support team with me at all times, but once my treatments ended, that support team disappeared slowly and I was kind of back on my own, it was hard.
Cancer made me stronger, it changed my way of seeing life. I was bullied in elementary school and now I see life from a different perspective- to know who I am despite, what people labelled me. Blood cancer has also changed my career path, going through this traumatic experience, I want a career that helps children. It made me realize that there is a lot more to this world than myself, I need to think about how I can help others.
I have always wanted to attend the Light the Night walk. 2019 was my 10-year anniversary of being diagnosed and I decided I wanted to get involved and give back. I had kept her diagnosis a secret from many people so I was finally ready to talk about it.
Light the Night signifies hope for the future. Not only for survivors who have lost their battle, but to support everyone affected by this. Hopefully, research will help answer the WHY.
There are so many cases of blood cancer & all cases are different. By participating to the Light the Night walk, you are providing more hope by helping people and it doesn’t cost us anything to help other people and spread awareness.