Finding a new normal
When we spoke to hundreds of blood cancer survivors across Canada, most of them shared their struggle in figuring out a new meaning to their life after cancer. If you are struggling to regain a sense of normalcy in your life, you are not alone.
You are not alone
Finding a new normal
The struggle to regain a sense of normalcy in your life after cancer is a real thing. Finding a new normal is part of your recovery from cancer and this process takes time. As a first step, you can hear what the experts say on survivorship in the following resources. They will help you understand some of the issues common among cancer survivors and offer insight as to how you might be able to cope.
Adapting to the new normal
Surviving the survivorship issues: Moving Forward
Living with a Chronic Blood Cancer
Searching for Meaning & Finding a "New Normal"
Survivorship Issues with Hart Searle
Returning to Work - Expert Tips and Resources
Fear of Recurrence- Expert Tips and Coping Strategies with Jacqueline Galica
Tips to help friends and family understand the new you
Many blood cancer survivors have told us that the only other people who “get it” are other cancer survivors. You may feel that your family does not understand that your cancer experience might not end when your treatment is over. We’ve asked other survivors to share their communication tips with you.
Supporting Your Loved One Following a Cancer Diagnosis
Tips for talking to your healthcare team
No matter where you are in your cancer experience, it is important to know your healthcare team and to feel comfortable voicing concerns, even after treatment has ended.
Communicating With Your Healthcare Team
Your Life After Cancer Committee
We are thankful to the following eight cancer survivors for their enormous contribution in the development of the information and resources on survivorship presented on our website.

Haley Zora
Jeannette Castillo

Mayra Husic
Luc Berneche

Samantha Redsky

Aviva Rubin
Made possible thanks to the support of