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What is myeloma?

Myeloma is a cancer of the plasma cells. It happens most often in adults over the age of 50. Plasma cells are found in the bone marrow and produce antibodies (immunoglobulins) that protect you against disease. Myeloma is when the bone marrow has a type of immunoglobulin that reproduces uncontrollably. Myeloma cells can disrupt normal blood production and the functioning of the immune system, damage the kidneys, and form into masses.
An elderly woman with myeloma wearing a head cloth hugging and laying her head against another woman.

In Canada, there was an estimated 3,400 new cases of myeloma in 2020.

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Know that the blood cancer community is here to support you every step of the way.

What happens next?

Resources on myeloma

Why the type of myeloma matters

There are many types of myeloma. Doctors divide myeloma into groups that describe how fast or slowly the disease is progressing. The treatment for myeloma varies according to the type You may find that learning about your diagnosis once you know the type of myeloma involved will help you better understand the disease and its treatment.


Doctors classify myeloma into subtypes by using various tests. The subtype plays a large part in deciding the type of treatment.