Lavonne Leeson
Fort Saskatchewan AB
I Was Diagnosed with AML in November, 2014
Being diagnosed with cancer is scary! If I had to choose one word to describe my blood cancer experience it would be “fear”. When you hear those words your world stops. I was afraid! Afraid I would not see my children graduate or see my daughter walk down the aisle. I was given a 26% chance of survival and I was not ready to die. I did not want to leave my family so I chose living. Every time fear crept in I reminded myself to never give up hope. It wasn’t easy but my faith helped me through.
Being diagnosed with blood cancer changes you. It makes you realize what is important - the relationships with family & friends and the time you can never get back. You have to be present and enjoy every moment, each and every day!
Joining Light the Night is an opportunity to step forward as a survivor. It is a community that joins together to support each other. Together we're bigger than cancer!
Cancer is part of my story; it is part of what makes me who I am. Light the Night shows that you are not alone! The experience is moving and personal. Light the Night acknowledges my story and my journey with cancer. It is something unique to every participant, something only they and their loved ones have experienced and can understand, yet on that night we are all united. We walk together for those who are fighting, for those who we have lost, and for those who survived. It’s emotional!
Canadians should support Light the Night because it creates hope in the midst of all the fear. You never know when you or someone you love will hear those words. Currently there is research going on for blood cancers, and without that research, I wouldn't be here today! I was part of a test study and we all know that research and studies take money. Light the Night funds that critical research. On those darkest days, when you are just trusting what the doctors say, it creates hope that they are doing their best to help you. Even during my 7-month hospitalization, I saw my medical team adapting my treatment according to what they were learning through new studies and trials. There has been such progress in the treatment of blood cancers: it's amazing! I am grateful to all the doctors and care teams that supported me on my journey, and to all those who support the blood cancer community.
Thank you!