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Showing 171 to 180 of 315 results
Brent Kirchner returned from an afternoon at the local pool not feeling well and thinking he was coming down with the flu. As his symptoms worsened, he ended up in the hospital and in an induced coma to help clear his lungs of fluid. Brent was eventually diagnosed with hairy cell leukemia, a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes too many white blood…
When Darren Bessette was re-diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in 2019, it was more difficult to treat. Darren says he was fortunate to get access to a "revolutionary" new treatment through a clinical trial. Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy is a way to get immune cells called T cells to fight cancer by changing them…
When Lois Lewis was diagnosed with AML in 2010, she had just retired from a career filled with music - as a music therapist, music teacher and leader of an intergenerational choir. Lois shares her cancer experience, which, not surprisingly, included the Gaelic version of the song Auld Lang Syne.
Dr. Ismail Sharif, an assistant professor at Dalhousie University and with the department of hematology, provides an overview of Myeloma: its causes, current treatment options and what the future holds for Myeloma treatments.
This podcast is for parents of children with blood cancer, as well as teenagers and young adults affected by this type of cancer. During and after cancer, physical activity is essential for young people. It can speed up their recovery, improve their overall health and help them cope with treatment side effects such as fatigue. In this podcast, Gabrielle…
Joanne was diagnosed with Polycythemia vera in 2012. She shares her experience with her diagnosis, the support she received from local groups and how it has changed her life.
In this special AYA episode, Montana Skurka and NHL survivor Cynthia Ghosen discuss the power of positive thinking, staying optimistic, and how goal setting can help you through treatment. Cynthia also shares how family and friends played a key role in her recovery and how her cancer experience has shaped her current career.
In this special AYA episode, guest host Montana Skurka connects with Cole Myers. When Cole was 16 he went from competing in triathlons to being diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma. The two discuss diagnosis, relapse, and the silver-lining that come from their experiences.
In this special episode, guest host Montana Skurka connects with AML survivor Michael Wark. Together they explore topics of blogging and sharing a cancer experience, the importance of support networks, the power of spiritualty, and how his cancer experience has changed his life.
Guest host Montana Skurka and NHL survivor Samantha Redsky discuss the all things relationships! They explore how a cancer experience can change the relationship you have with yourself, with your loved ones, and even with your own body.