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Lindsay Yarrow

Lindsay Yarrow

Montreal QC

Montreal Runner-up
Woman of the Year 2021 

Lindsay Yarrow has been through more than most young adults. In January of 2017, she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. She expected to undergo chemotherapy and return to life as normal. After finishing treatment, however, her entire perspective on life changed. 

While always inspired by clean eating and a healthy routine, this became her manifesto after diagnosis. Lindsay has definitely made the most of the cards she has been dealt and credits her success to pursuing her own purpose; staying healthy by clean eating, moving your body, being surrounded by nourishing people and the power of positive thinking.  

Continuously seeking opportunities to support others, when Lindsay learned of Man & Woman of the Year, a philanthropic competition, she felt it was important to give back and support a community that she is closely connected to, and give gratitude to all those who supported her throughout her treatment. 

Lindsay is Montreal’s 2021 Woman of the Year runner-up raising over $61,000.