Displaying 561 - 570 of 590
Virtual Cooking Class with Gail and Robyn
In this workshop you will be able to cook nutritious foods that nourish the body. Follow along with Robyn and Gail from Simply for Life who will be sharing recipes geared towards those living with, or recovering from a blood cancer, including foods that help boost energy and…
Mental health and wellness
Critical illness that can arise in leukemia and stem cell transplants
Dr. Laveena Munshi discusses leukemia research advances and stem cell transplants for hematological malignancies.
Leukemia, Treatment and side effects
Surviving the survivorship issues: Moving Forward
Dr. Mary Jane Esplen, Executive Director, Scientist, and Professor, de Souza Institute, University Health Network and University of Toronto discusses common survivorship issues and shares ways to cope and move forward.
Treatment and side effects
Searching for Meaning & Finding a "New Normal"
Explore the impact of a cancer diagnosis - both on the individual and family. Additionally, the non-medical implications following a diagnosis are addressed and further highlight the challenges in moving forward and finding a "new normal."
Mental health and wellness
Fishing for Cures: Using the zebrafish to find new treatments for Blood Cancers
Dr. Berman reviews some examples of successful zebrafish models of blood diseases and their future potential to inform and improve the outcome for patients with blood cancers. Dr. Berman is a pioneer in using the zebrafish model to study leukemia and other blood disorders.…
Treatment and side effects
The Science Behind CBC: Understanding Your Bloodwork
Get the information behind your regular blood tests, why you need to have them done and what they all mean in the context of your blood cancer diagnosis. Ever wonder what all of this bloodwork is for? What do all the numbers & abbreviations even mean? What information does…
Diagnosis and tests
Precision Medicine in Blood Cancers
Learn about the current state of knowledge on precision medicine and targeted therapies, and how they can improve a patient’s outcome, from Dr. Rob Laister, PhD, Principal Investigator, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.
Treatment and side effects
Exercise guidelines : 0-4 Years
This factsheet is for families whose 0-4 year old child is affected by a blood cancer. It promotes an active, safe, and adapted lifestyle during treatment.
Mental health and wellness
Exercise-Guidelines: 5-11 Years
This factsheet for is for families whose 5-11 year old child is affected by a blood cancer. It promotes an active, safe, and adapted lifestyle during treatment.
Mental health and wellness
Leukemia In Children and Teens
This video is a guide to better understand leukemia in children and teens.