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Acute Myeloid Leukemia Infographic
In this infographic, learn about AML, its side effects, diagnosis and treatments.
AML and Your Genes (Part 4 in the AML series)
Learn more about acute myeloid leukemia.
Asking for a second opinion
Asking for a second opinion for your blood cancer diagnosis. In the event that you have any doubts about your diagnosis or treatment plan, you may want to get a second medical opinion before beginning or continuing treatment.
Preparing for appointments
Preparing for medical appointments with your doctor and your healthcare team.
Speaking with your employer
Speaking with your employer about your cancer diagnosis. Communicating with your work, boss and employees about cancer.
Telling your children
Tips for talking to children about blood cancer diagnosis. Telling your children and grandchildren about blood cancer and treatment options.
Talking to family and friends
You may be asking yourself what to do or how much to reveal. Some people with cancer choose to tell their loved ones only. Others find it helps when other people they have regular contact with also know about their diagnosis. You may find it difficult to do so, but it will allow…
How am I planning to go back to normal and yet stay safe?
Going back to normal and yet staying safe is impossible, especially for those with CLL for whom getting infections is risky at best.
Blood Transfusion
Understand blood transfusion and the different types; address your safety concerns; learn about possible complications.
Treatment and side effects