Displaying 251 - 260 of 324
Food Intake - In Treatment
In this worksheet learn to keep track of food, beverages, monitor weight and side effects.
Questions for the Healthcare Team - In Treatment
This worksheet learn how to take an active role in managing your loved one’s care by asking questions to the healthcare team. Make a list of items you are unsure of and to take to healthcare appointments.
Pain Log - In Treatment
This worksheet provides a pain scale log to keep track of pain level, time and date.
Pain Log
This worksheet provides a pain scale log to keep track of pain level, time and date.
Healthcare management
Understanding clinical trials
Get an overview of clinical trials, understand them, how they are planned, evaluate benefits and risks of participating, address concerns and what to ask.
Treatment and side effects
Talking to Children
Learn how to tell children about a loved one’s diagnosis. Learn what to expect and what to say by age groups.
Healthcare management
Your Mental Health
Keep your mental health in check when the responsibility of caring for your loved one takes a toll on how you feel.
Mental health and wellness
What it means to be a caregiver
Learn what it means to be a caregiver and get strategies to make caring for your loved one easier.
Teens with a blood cancer
This factsheet is for teens and covers important info they need for dealing with blood cancer from emotions, side effect, schooling etc.
Young Adults with a blood cancer
This factsheet is for young adults and covers important info they need for dealing with blood cancer from emotions, side effect, work etc.