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Coping with mental health issues
No matter where you are in your cancer experience, taking care of yourself – body, mind and soul – will help you feel and be the best that you can be.
Mental health and wellness
Caring for a loved one with a blood cancer
Anticipatory grief experienced by caregiver Laura Martire, who lost her father to acute myeloid leukemia. Laura is a LLSC First Connection Caregiver Program peer volunteer.
Media Mentions, Stories, Volunteers, Leukemia, Mental health and wellness
Mental health risks and blood cancers
Did you know that people affected by cancer experience at least double the prevalence of depression and anxiety than in the general population?* That’s not just at diagnosis or during cancer treatment. Even years after treatment, you or your loved one may struggle with cancer-…
Education, Mental health and wellness
CAPO 2024 Psychosocial oncology networking
LLSC Community Service Lead for Alberta, Desiree Naylor, recently attended the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO 2024) Conference – the first time the event has been held in Calgary in more than 20 years.
Events, Partners, Mental health and wellness
Many cancer survivors and caregivers face mental health challenges post-cancer
Mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety and PTSD, can exist in blood cancer survivors and their caregivers even years after treatment is over.
Media Mentions, Volunteers, Mental health and wellness
Taking care of your body
Learn to deal with body changes during and after a cancer diagnosis. Hair Loss, Loss of Appetite, Increased Appetite, Your Skin, Your Fingernails and Toenails. Your sexuality and cancer. Weight gain and weight loss and cancer.
Mental health and wellness
Learning to be a caregiver
The responsibilities are wide-ranging and many of them may be new to you. Even so, caring for your loved one is rewarding and learning to be a caregiver can help you provide the best possible care for your loved.
Mental health and wellness
Taking care of your mental health
Experiencing cancer firsthand may be the most difficult time in your life. Know the signs of anxiety and depression. Ways to feel better and take your mind off cancer.
Mental health and wellness
Taking care of yourself
Self-care is taking the time to do an activity that will help to improve your mental, emotional or physical health during times of stress. It is not a one-time effort. Instead, taking care of yourself is about adding activities regularly that make you feel good and help to lower…
Mental health and wellness