Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
A tale of 2 Toms: Gift of life by stem cell donation, and the inspiration to share the story
When Rod Neander, of Calgary, Alberta, got to hug the man who saved his life, it was in fact the second young father named Tom in the Manchester, UK area who made a big impact in his blood cancer experience.
Stories, Volunteers, Leukemia, Treatment and side effects
Spotlight on GvHD, a serious side effect of stem cell transplants
Graft vs. Host Disease (GvHD) is a serious side effect that commonly affects people who've undergone an allogeneic stem cell transplant (SCT), meaning they've received stem cells to treat their blood cancer. LLSC presented at the International GvHD Symposium in October…
Events, Partners, Treatment and side effects
Managing fatigue and cognitive challenges
As a result of your cancer and its treatment, it is likely that you will experience some degree of fatigue. Cancer-related fatigue can be described as feeling very tired and lacking energy in a way that gets in the way of your daily activity or function. If you have problems…
Treatment and side effects
Coping with side effects
Take control of long term effects of cancer. If you’re still experiencing side effects, you’re not alone. We can help you cope with these symptoms.
Treatment and side effects