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The role of pharmacists in supporting access to novel cancer treatments
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada were honoured to be invited to speak at the Canadian Association of Pharmacy in Oncology (CAPhO) in Moncton, New Brunswick this month.
Advocacy, Events, Partners
Canadians are ‘dying to be a priority’ in accessing cancer treatments: Open letter to the Premiers
LLSC is at the frontlines in advocating for more timely, equitable cancer treatment access, and this week this issue was elevated publicly in light of a meeting of Canada’s premiers (a group called Council of Federation).
Advocacy, Events, Media Mentions
Line Up for Change in access to cancer care
Christina Sit of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada, and a co-chair of Cancer Action Now alliance, speaks with CityNews Toronto reporter about why she and other patient advocacy groups and cancer survivors are at Queen's Park on Nov 18, 2024 to "Line up for…
Advocacy, Events, Media Mentions, Partners
Childhood cancer survivor and family support Light the Night
Ian Kirouac began fundraising for blood cancers through the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada's event, Light The Event, after his daughter was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma.
Events, Media Mentions, Partners, Stories, Lymphoma
First ever Pediatrics Oncology Day at CANO 2023
We were honoured to be invited to host CANO’s first ever Pediatrics Oncology Day on the Saturday (Oct. 21) and grateful for the incredible knowledge shared by our fellow presenters over almost an hour and a half.
Events, Partners, Pediatrics
AI and cancer research a hot topic at CCRC 2023
Artificial intelligence (AI) was a key theme at the Canadian Cancer Research Alliance (CCRC-ACRC) Scientific Conference 2023, held in Halifax, Nova Scotia November 12 -14.
Events, Research
What a year in the blood cancer community!
While we will never say ‘mission accomplished’ until there is a cure for all blood cancers – we are happy to share our mission accomplishments in 2023
Education, Events, Research
Myeloma Awareness Month: Dr. Hira Mian
This being Myeloma Awareness Month in Canada, we thought we’d shine a light on one of this country’s leading researchers of myeloma – specifically, multiple myeloma.
Events, Partners, Research, Myeloma
First Connection Volunteer of the Year
As we do every year at this time, we highlight one English-speaking volunteer (and one French-speaking volunteer) for outstanding contributions to our First Connection peer support programs.
Events, Stories, Volunteers, Leukemia
Blood cancer quality of life research supported by Steele Auto Group
Great research takes solid funding; The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC) is fortunate to the support of Steele Auto Group (SAG) headquartered in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
Events, Partners, Research