Displaying 11 - 19 of 19
Blood cancer quality of life research supported by Steele Auto Group
Great research takes solid funding; The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC) is fortunate to the support of Steele Auto Group (SAG) headquartered in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
Events, Partners, Research
LLSC’s first publication in a medical journal
What an honour to be invited to publish in the Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, and how exciting to see it in print in the Spring 2024 edition!
Media Mentions, Partners, Research
CAPO 2024 Psychosocial oncology networking
LLSC Community Service Lead for Alberta, Desiree Naylor, recently attended the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO 2024) Conference – the first time the event has been held in Calgary in more than 20 years.
Events, Partners, Mental health and wellness
Spotlight on GvHD, a serious side effect of stem cell transplants
Graft vs. Host Disease (GvHD) is a serious side effect that commonly affects people who've undergone an allogeneic stem cell transplant (SCT), meaning they've received stem cells to treat their blood cancer. LLSC presented at the International GvHD Symposium in October…
Events, Partners, Treatment and side effects
LLSC & CANO formalize and extend collaboration
To further extend their collaboration, raise awareness on blood cancers, and to formalize their commitment to their partnership, the CANO and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) represented by Pascale Rousseau,…
Events, Partners
The Collings Stevens Family Foundation partners with LLSC to help Canadians impacted by CML
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada, with partners like The Collings Stevens Family Foundation, is informing and empowering people impacted by chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), a once-fatal blood cancer now a manageable disease.
Partners, Leukemia
New AI research award recipient supported by UFCW
One of the exciting, novel aspects of LLSC’s latest blood cancer research awards is the introduction of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Catalyst Grant, for the application of AI to blood cancer research.
Partners, Research
Precision medicine, chemotherapy alternatives, and zebrafish genes
Canadian researchers exploring precision medicine with immunotherapy have received a total of $600,000 from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC) for pediatric blood cancer research innovation.
Partners, Pediatrics, Research
Insights from BioCanRX Summit for Cancer Immunotherapy 2023
I just got back from the 2023 BioCanRX Summit4ci that was held in Ottawa October 1-4 and I want to share a few of the amazing highlights that have come out of the conference this year.
Partners, Research, Events