Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Returning to Work or School After Cancer Treatment
Whether you are thinking about or planning a return, already back at it or wanting to take your career or education in a new direction, this webcast will help you think through the big and small issues that may arise. Following the presentation, you will hear from adolescent and…
Work, school and finance
Children and Teenagers with Cancer : Cognitive and Emotional Challenges at School after Treatment
For some children and teens, emotional and cognitive challenges continue or become evident after treatment ends. How do we recognize these challenges and help ensure these children and teens receive the support they need?
Work, school and finance
Returning to Work - Expert Tips and Resources
Maureen Parkinson is the provincial vocational rehabilitation counsellor at the B.C. Cancer Agency. She is the co-lead and content lead for Cancer and Work which is a website to guide cancer survivors. She created Cancer and Returning to Work: A Practical Guide for Cancer…
Work, school and finance
Going Back to School After a Cancer Experience
Halfway through her master's degree abroad, Rachele was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma and had to put school on hold. After achieving remission status following two years of treatment, Rachele was ready to go back to school and finish her degree. Despite the…
Work, school and finance
Finances and Cancer
Paula Vanni has worked for CIBC for 25 years in a variety of positions including as a Director in CIBC’s financial advice office. She is currently the Market VP in the Vancouver Lower Mainland East market. She holds a degree in Women’s Studies and Sociology from the University…
Work, school and finance