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Showing 21 to 30 of 61 results
Experiencing a fear of cancer recurrence is very normal. Most cancer survivors will experience the fear that their cancer will come back or progress. In this presentation, Dr. Christian Schulz-Quach, a staff psychiatrist at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, explain this feeling and its impact, and share strategies on how to manage it.
Returning to work after cancer can leave you with a mix of emotions and a unique set of challenges. was developed to help those affected by a cancer to manage the challenges of returning to a job, changing work or looking for work. In this session, Co-Directors Maureen Parkinson and Dr. Christine Maheu, explore the website’…
Exercise is a vital component of your care after cancer and provides not only physical benefits, but also mental and emotional benefits. In this session, Dr. Nicole Culos-Reed, a professor in the faculties of Kinesiology and Medicine at the University of Calgary, share resources that will support moving for health and wellness for individuals living with…
Effectively managing chronic pain after treatment or with a chronic cancer should take into consideration the physical, emotional, social and spiritual parts of an individual. Jocelyn Brown, RN, MN, a pain and palliative care clinical nurse specialist, share strategies for managing your pain.
Once you finish treatment for your cancer, you might struggle with isolation, distress and anxiety. How do you manage these challenges and make a successful transition to a life after cancer? In this session, Dr. Linda Watson, Scientific Director of Applied Research and Patient Experience with Cancer Care Alberta, explore the impact of a cancer diagnosis…
Maureen Parkinson is the provincial vocational rehabilitation counsellor at the B.C. Cancer Agency. She is the co-lead and content lead for Cancer and Work which is a website to guide cancer survivors. She created Cancer and Returning to Work: A Practical Guide for Cancer Patients and return to work and job search seminars for cancer survivors.
This factsheet is for children, teens, and young adults who have been affected by a blood cancer, as well as their families. It promotes an active, safe, and adapted lifestyle during and after treatment.
In this animated video, the character talks about the side effects after cancer treatment, especially fatigue and brain fog, and gives suggestions for managing them on a daily basis.
In this animated video, the character talks about the emotional and psychological impact of the diagnosis on himself and his family, as well as the importance of talking to those around him and to health professionals to find solutions.
Blood cancer research is constantly progressing. It may be a real challenge to make treatment related decisions when there are many options including late breaking clinical trials.