

Showing 26 to 30 of 49 results
Holiday match opportunity
Until December 31, iA Financial Group, a longtime supporter of the blood cancer community, has committed to matching your donation 4 times, up to $100,000! For example, a donation of $100 will become $400, while a gift of $250 increases to $1,000!
Adam, shown in the short CBS video enjoying himself with wife Natasha and daughter Marquesa, now age 5.
Adam, of Toronto, is a blood and stem cell recipient who was diagnosed with leukemia two days after finding out he was going to become a father.
Poster used at the ccrc 2023 conference. Contains our logo and information about our grant programs
Artificial intelligence (AI) was a key theme at the Canadian Cancer Research Alliance (CCRC-ACRC) Scientific Conference 2023, held in Halifax, Nova Scotia November 12 -14.
Nadine and Pascale at CANO2023
We were honoured to be invited to host CANO’s first ever Pediatrics Oncology Day on the Saturday (Oct. 21) and grateful for the incredible knowledge shared by our fellow presenters over almost an hour and a half.
"Summit for cancer immunotherapy #Summit4CI" sign
I just got back from the 2023 BioCanRX Summit4ci that was held in Ottawa October 1-4 and I want to share a few of the amazing highlights that have come out of the conference this year.
Partners, Research, Events

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