A picture of an individual with the following text : "Untreated depression or anxiety doesn't go into remission. #cancerandmentalhealth"

Mental health risks and blood cancers

Did you know that people affected by cancer experience at least double the prevalence of depression and anxiety than in the general population?* That’s not just at diagnosis or during cancer treatment. Even years after treatment, you or your loved one may struggle with cancer-related mental health challenges.

We want all Canadians impacted by a blood cancer to know there is a solution. You can…

  • Recognize your risk of mental health challenges - at any point in your cancer experience
  • Watch for mental health symptoms
  • Ask for help from a mental health professional

LLSC has several multimedia resources to learn more about mental health:

Newly diagnosed adult with blood cancer, or survivor?

Parent of a child with a blood cancer?

Caregiver of an adult with a blood cancer?

*Mental Health Commission of Canada and the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, 2021