a family of 4 sitting on a bed. The two parents are hugging and the two of the kids are playing with a tablet.

My child has a blood cancer

The words no parent wants to hear: “Your child has cancer.”

From the moment of diagnosis through your child's blood cancer treatment, physical recovery, return to school, and beyond - free personalized support and tailored information are available to help you navigate the cancer experience.


doctor with stethoscope

There is hope

Treatments for childhood blood cancers can lead to long-term remission and, in some cases, a cure.

Research is advancing

Research for childhood blood cancers progressed tremendously in the past 40 years.
Helping Hand

It's nothing you did

The child did not catch the disease from someone or develop it as a result of something you did.

You are not alone.

Know that the blood cancer community is here to support you every step of the way.

Experiences of others with childhood blood cancers

Ezra with a birthday cake
Ezra Dyck
To other parents I would say: get comfortable with being uncomfortable. So much about the cancer experience is living in a period of unknowns and unpredictability. When I stopped fighting the need to have everything planned, I was better able to focus on what my son needed in that moment and, believe it or not, share in the moments of joy that still happened along the way

Northern Alberta AB

She is an incredible big sister with a huge amount of empathy.

Montréal QC

She is an incredible big sister with a huge amount of empathy.

Montréal QC

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    Ezra with a birthday cake
    Ezra Dyck
    To other parents I would say: get comfortable with being uncomfortable. So much about the cancer experience is living in a period of unknowns and unpredictability. When I stopped fighting the need to have everything planned, I was better able to focus on what my son needed in that moment and, believe it or not, share in the moments of joy that still happened along the way

    Northern Alberta AB
    Canada learn more about Ezra Dyck
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    Jacob Tourigny
    "To honor Jacob's memory and help advance pediatric cancer research, several teams carry the name 'Jacob STRONG' at sporting and charitable events."

    Montreal QC
    Canada learn more about Jacob Tourigny
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    My cancer experience has really made me more empathetic overall.

    Dartmouth NS
    Canada learn more about Katie
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    I am so proud of my boy for overcoming all that he has.

    Red Deer AB
    Canada learn more about Daxton
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    At the end of the day, I believe that cancer treatment is not a sprint, but a team marathon.

    Joliette QC
    Canada learn more about Erin
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    She is an incredible big sister with a huge amount of empathy.

    Montréal QC
    Canada learn more about Zoë


    Is your child with blood cancer older than 12? 

    A teenage girl with crossing her arms

    We have resources and support for teens.

    A young adult woman sitting at a desk with her left hand lightly touching her head.

    We have resources and support for young adults.