Every year, we form a group of medical experts

who have the task of reviewing research projects from the grant applications we receive for our annual competition.
The LLSC can count on its expert committees to evaluate each research project submitted, to be sure we invest in the most promising research.
Alicia Talarico, President
Jason Berman
Dr. Jason Berman, MD, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Chair, Medical & Scientific Advisory Committee
Dr. Jason Berman is the CEO and Scientific Director of the CHEO Research Institute and the Vice-President Research at CHEO. He is a Full Professor in the Departments of Pediatrics and Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of Ottawa. Jason is a pediatric hematologist/oncologist and clinician scientist internationally recognized for pioneering research using zebrafish to study leukemia and cancer predisposition syndromes. He has had leadership roles in a number of national and international clinical trials for childhood cancer, including chairing the most recent Children's Oncology Group trial for the myeloid leukemia of Down syndrome. He sits on a number of provincial and national cancer research advisory boards. He is passionate about translating research findings from the bench to the bedside to improve the outcome and quality of life for individuals suffering from blood cancers.

Medical & Scientific Advisory Committee

  • Alicia Talarico, LLSC President

  • Stephanie Mazzei, Chair, LLSC Board of Directors

  • Dr. Jason Berman, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Chair LLSC Medical & Scientific Advisory Committee

  • Frederic Chevalier, LLSC Board Member

  • Nadine Prevost, Executive Director, Research & Community Support

  • Paul O'Connell, Research Program Director

  • Dr. Rena Buckstein, Odette Cancer Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario

  • Dr. Rodney Dekoter, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario

  • Dr. Jean-Sebastien Delisle, Université de Montréal, Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC), Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Montreal, Quebec

  • Terry Hawrysh, Community Partner

  • Dr. Trang Hoang, Université de Montréal Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC), Montreal, Quebec

  • Dr. Aly Karsan, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, British Columbia

  • Dr. Armand Keating, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, Ontario

  • Dr. Samantha Mayo, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, Ontario

  • Dr. Paola Neri, Annie Charbonneau Cancer Institute, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

  • Dr. Warren Pear, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • Dr. Aaron Schimmer, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, Ontario

  • Dr. Christian Steidl, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, British Columbia

  • Dr. Andrew Weng, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, British Columbia