Tax extension alert: Give a gift before February 28, and claim your donation on your 2024 income tax return.

Fund a program for Canadians with a blood cancer

Fund a program for Canadians with a blood cancer

Our corporate partners are proudly making a difference

When you fund a service or program, you will be making a difference for a vast community of 150,000 Canadians living with or in remission from a blood cancer, their caregivers and families, 10,000 oncology healthcare professionals, and close to 60 researchers.

You are supporting



Contribute to the training of oncology healthcare professionals so they can tailor their care for patients with blood cancers.

Education & support

Help individuals and their loved ones learn more about their diagnosis, take control of their situation and receive adequate support through print, digital and in-person resources.
doctor with stethoscope

Research grants

Give researchers the ability to start or continue their tireless efforts to find new treatments and ultimately cures for each one of the 137 types of blood cancers.

Why us?

Our partners recognize that we are the only nonprofit health agency dedicated to all blood cancers in Canada. As a partner, you will be able to choose from a wide selection of existing services or programs, or contribute to a new initiative.

Some examples where our partners have showcased their brand:

  • Our newly re-invented suite of print and digital disease and treatment information sheets

  • Our highly popular webcast sessions covering a wide array of topics

  • Our First Connection peer support program

  • Our digital and live education sessions

  • Our National Conference on blood cancers

  • Our robust research grant program

Learn more about corporate partnerships

We can you tell you more about the specific programs or services available for funding or where is the greatest need.