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I have
a blood cancer
Expand child menu - <span class="heavy-text have">I have</span>a blood cancer
How we can help
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Access one-on-one personalized support
Connect with someone who has been there
Expand child menu - Connect with someone who has been there
First Connection peer support
Support groups
Attend an educational event
Resource Library
Self-care and wellness
Expand child menu - Self-care and wellness
Taking care of your body
Taking care of your mental health
Managing fatigue and cognitive challenges
Expand child menu - Leukemia
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Acute myeloid leukemia
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Chronic myeloid leukemia
Expand child menu - Lymphoma
Hodgkin lymphoma
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Expand child menu - Myeloma
Multiple myeloma
Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
Myelodysplastic syndromes
Myeloproliferative neoplasms
Expand child menu - Myeloproliferative neoplasms
Essential thrombocythemia
Polycythemia vera
Chronic neutrophilic leukemia
Blood cancers: kids, teens & young adults
Expand child menu - Blood cancers: kids, teens & young adults
My child has a blood cancer
Teen blood cancers
Young adult blood cancers
I care
for someone with a blood cancer
Expand child menu - <span class="heavy-text care">I care</span>for someone with a blood cancer
How we can help
Expand child menu - How we can help
Access one-on-one personalized support
First Connection Caregiver Support Program
Attend an educational event
Resource Library
Learning to be a caregiver
Taking care of yourself
I am
a blood cancer survivor
Expand child menu - <span class="heavy-text am">I am</span>a blood cancer survivor
How we can help
Expand child menu - How we can help
Access one-on-one personalized support
Connect with someone who has been there
Expand child menu - Connect with someone who has been there
First Connection peer support
Support Groups
Attend an educational event
Resource Library
Self-care and wellness
Expand child menu - Self-care and wellness
Taking care of your body
Taking care of your mental health
Managing fatigue and cognitive challenges
Adjusting to a new normal
Coping with mental health issues
Coping with side effects
I have a chronic blood cancer
I am a professional
in the blood cancer community
Expand child menu - <span class="heavy-text professional">I am a professional</span>in the blood cancer community
Support for your patients and their families
Support for yourself professionally
Access the transportation program
Research funding programs
I lost
someone to a blood cancer
Expand child menu - <span class="heavy-text lost">I lost</span>someone to a blood cancer
Honouring your loved one
Main navigation addendum
Who we are
Get involved
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Attend an event
Ways to give back
Work for LLSC
Connect with us
Main navigation
I have
a blood cancer
Expand child menu - <span class="heavy-text have">I have</span>a blood cancer
How we can help
Expand child menu - How we can help
Access one-on-one personalized support
Connect with someone who has been there
Expand child menu - Connect with someone who has been there
First Connection peer support
Support groups
Attend an educational event
Resource Library
Self-care and wellness
Expand child menu - Self-care and wellness
Taking care of your body
Taking care of your mental health
Managing fatigue and cognitive challenges
Expand child menu - Leukemia
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Acute myeloid leukemia
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Chronic myeloid leukemia
Expand child menu - Lymphoma
Hodgkin lymphoma
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Expand child menu - Myeloma
Multiple myeloma
Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
Myelodysplastic syndromes
Myeloproliferative neoplasms
Expand child menu - Myeloproliferative neoplasms
Essential thrombocythemia
Polycythemia vera
Chronic neutrophilic leukemia
Blood cancers: kids, teens & young adults
Expand child menu - Blood cancers: kids, teens & young adults
My child has a blood cancer
Teen blood cancers
Young adult blood cancers
I care
for someone with a blood cancer
Expand child menu - <span class="heavy-text care">I care</span>for someone with a blood cancer
How we can help
Expand child menu - How we can help
Access one-on-one personalized support
First Connection Caregiver Support Program
Attend an educational event
Resource Library
Learning to be a caregiver
Taking care of yourself
I am
a blood cancer survivor
Expand child menu - <span class="heavy-text am">I am</span>a blood cancer survivor
How we can help
Expand child menu - How we can help
Access one-on-one personalized support
Connect with someone who has been there
Expand child menu - Connect with someone who has been there
First Connection peer support
Support Groups
Attend an educational event
Resource Library
Self-care and wellness
Expand child menu - Self-care and wellness
Taking care of your body
Taking care of your mental health
Managing fatigue and cognitive challenges
Adjusting to a new normal
Coping with mental health issues
Coping with side effects
I have a chronic blood cancer
I am a professional
in the blood cancer community
Expand child menu - <span class="heavy-text professional">I am a professional</span>in the blood cancer community
Support for your patients and their families
Support for yourself professionally
Access the transportation program
Research funding programs
I lost
someone to a blood cancer
Expand child menu - <span class="heavy-text lost">I lost</span>someone to a blood cancer
Honouring your loved one
Main navigation addendum
Who we are
Get involved
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Attend an event
Ways to give back
Work for LLSC
Connect with us
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Volunteer for a better tomorrow
Volunteer for a better tomorrow
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